Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Memories by Mandy

A big thanks to everyone who came out to support our 3rd anniversary charity event! It was a huge success!!! I would especially like to thank Amanda who was my fabulous assistant. She did an amazing job getting kids to smile, holding reflectors and chasing after two year old twins who just wanted to run, LOL. She was absolutely amazing! Another big thank you to Elke. She was a huge help with helping out at our table and taking orders and greeting people as they arrived. Amanda and Elke both donated their time so more money could be donated to the Ronald McDonald house in Saskatoon. Thanks again! I couldn't have done it without you. Lastly I would also like to thank everyone who participated in our sessions. I had a blast working with each and every one of you. I hope to work with you again soon. Images from our event are coming soon.....

Here is an image of Amanda with the twins.... who knew 2 year old twins were such a handful? 

Here is my other fabulous assistant, Elke.

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